
Hello readers , Enjoy reading and follow and stuff.Oh yea , don't forget to comment or something to let me know your here , heck C-box me if you must.It might be boring but hell its my life not yours.Project Playlist became a bitch so no more song to listen to but still , Enjoy.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Ain't Worthy

Heyy. Everyday I seem more and more useless.Nothing to do at all.My body feels hot and cold then hot again.Hopefully I aint sick or anything.

Bored to blog again :/...No mood at all...

Every single second that pass makes me feel more and more less worthy.Gotta give it up aye Francis?

Ok my Story "Sunsets On Your Rooftop" has been going well.Chapter 1 is ready for publishment can't wait.I am working on chapter 3 and 4 now since chapter 2 is awaiting grammar correction and some awesome BOMBASTIC words.

HAHAHAHA The show "Iron Chef" on the Asian Food Channel is like soo funny.Especially the guy who always interrupts saying "FUKUI-SAN!!!!" and I bet the guy is like "WTF CANT YOU SHUT UP?!"

Added my Holy Communion buddies on facebook today.Not sure about the other one but the one I'm sure of is Delia.Talking to her now on FB message hahaha.She's awesome ;D.

I was such a geek when I was younger and you can ask anyone I know since primary school that how much I changed since then.

SPM SPM SPM OHH SPM why are you coming soo soon? Haven't got a chance to study also.

Thats it! Tomorrow got my bestfriends birthday party!! Sorry dude tiada stock can come on school night :(.Wanna Come ASK NOW BEFORE ITS TOO LATE.5pm , Sunday.Address will be told!


Saturday, September 19, 2009


Hell this has been the most lamest month in my life.Nothing to do at all , if life is about the journey and not the destination then my car just broke down and my legs are paralyzed cause I just can't go any further.

Nothing much to say honestly , got lah stuff happen this week but I totally forgot.
Wanna enter competition.Any competition! Bored as hell.


PG-!8 : This Next Part Consist Of Foul Language And Parental Hate

I hate my parents , if there is anything beyond hate then I'm in.
They depend on me like plants depends on the sun.They need me over and over and over and over again.

"FRANCIS!!!!!" "FRANCIS!!!!!" "FRANCIS!!!!!" "FRANCIS!!!!!" "FRANCIS!!!!!" "FRANCIS!!!!!" "FRANCIS!!!!!" "FRANCIS!!!!!" "FRANCIS!!!!!" "FRANCIS!!!!!" "FRANCIS!!!!!"

I swear to God that if they call me again Imma jump off my roof and land in the sharp top of my fence.I mean its ok to depend on me cause I like it but when they depend on me too much then even a tiny mistake cause lead then to think that I am incompetent then wheres the point of helping them.I have been suicidal over and over again.Nasib (Luckily) , the thought of my eldest brother and my friends back me up and keep my feet on the ground.Shit honestly if none of them exist then I would have died long ago.

I can imagine that my whole life is going to be like this.Imma always say yes to everyone who needs help.Then they make me suffer.Jeez I have my parents for doing this to me.

Nuf said ,


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Death In September

Well studying has really gotten the best of me now :) Mostly thats all I think about and do.My minds soo cramped up I have not much time to think about the little things or some other major things.

Balik-balik soalan bocor , at this rate I bet SPM also will get soalan bocor.Anyway I really have to thank si Frenny Freddy and for Physics (name confidential hahaa) for supplying me the soalan bocor.Nah I tempt you to read the soalan bocor! Only give the important one not the others.So study the rest peoples! Thank them for this people

Paper 3..Charles' law (pressure against temperature).Diffraction of waves. Experiment: bourdon gauge.Pper2,mcrmeter screw gauge(ratchet).app of plane mrror n of atm presure(fortin barometer).transverse wave(diffraction).mass n inertia.bnouli of logic gates.half life.

Esei-s.heat.cpacty.. Potntial dffrnce(voltge n power) sublimation and evaporation.

Bored to my teeth.Hah how can teeth be boring?? I think teeth is funny right next to pudding.I love pudding.Never really ate pudding.Now how can that be funny?

Camera oh camera I want you soo much why don't you come to me? Bring your friend Mr. Video Camera to come to me also ah! I need to satisfy my egoistic ways via taking pictures people! Who got camera take photo with me want? I also got big plan for a video camera.Short movies and Pure long ass movies that you go to cinema's for, but low budget version.

Hmm Looks like the next video is coming out in 2 weeks time for CrackersProductionTV (our youtube account). I wanted to make a video again of my retardedness but I lazy.Got banyak plans but lazy cause have to study!

Think thats all.. If not then forget it..


Monday, September 7, 2009

Our Little Balcony Scene

Study study study thats all I have to do , thats all what I must do.Though I'm not doing much now cause I made a vow that I will study this month but still have time to chill and relax.Coming next month , damn I'm gonna say sorry to all people who's birthdays and parties and outings that I'm gonna miss cause thats when Imma go all out on studying.
Self confinement I call it.Solitude myself from the world so that I can concentrate.Except when I am going to my exersice time around 5:30p.m :).

I just finished studying Sejarah (thanks Frenny for the soalan bocor!).Now I confirm (hopefully) pass Sejarah.But the other subjects cannot say yet for sure.I studied real hard and I will pass.From this week onwards Imma go to church and pray.People like me only need God when we need him most.Which I know is not good AT ALL! But at least I know I can have peace of mind with The Big Guy on my back :).

Haha I was bored after studying Sejarah and made a fastie (ametur) video for the peeps who is taking exams , Wish I had a microphone so that I can make voices :( Start a Vlog :

Haha Ghey kan?? Nothing better to do xD Owh yea dont forget to subscribe and rate the vid even though its stupid :).

I've decided to up-size my social skills cause I realized that my social skills is very low so I must take it up a notch.Talk to people and be nice to them thats gonna be a new motto for me :).

I am also trying to control my voice projection cause if you have been around me and I bet loads of my friends would agree that my voice can be very loud.Beginning beginning low and quiet then suddenly my voice can BOOM from one place to another so I really have to work on that.Tons of my friends try to tolerate it but I know soon they will get ignored by my loud voice unless they are already.So yea I'm sorry for that but I'm trying to control it now :).

I look up to the sky
There may be nothing there to see
But if I don't believe in Him enough!
Why would He believe in me?

So would he help me?

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Little Thing Called Love

So yea nothing happened thats awesome this few days and stuff.Since I don't really update my blog everyday plus I have really short term memory loss so I don't really remember things.

I been chatting with Amylline this few days on the phone.We are wacky people.Banyak lah we sms.Till we sexting for awhile.Ghey oh we all this talk and talk.I brought my phone to school during trials just to talk to her :).Kept me happy and I can still concentrate.

So yea trials went okok.Biology went better then Chemistry which is kinda stupid cause I am better in Chemistry then Biology.Other then that the trials went fine.For once in my life I studied hard.

I confessed to her that day through video cause I barely meet her and I know that I must not linger that feeling anymore.The rest is private including the video.I'm sorry if my messages were like short and as if I'm not caring or anything.I just need to stop and think for awhile.Get my thoughts straight.I think your pissed at me , I can feel it.And again I'm sorry for that , now I'm straight and better.Forgive me?

My besties and I have made the most awesome video.Here's the vid:

We're trying to make it big in youtube.Our account in youtube is called CrackersProductionTV.Sounds cool ehh? Neil came up with it.

The main cast are:

Francis Klassen
Neil Brian
Jeremiah Daniels

Next video coming soon :).So be ready ehh?